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Gallwn, Gofalwn


Safeguarding & Child Protection

Safeguarding the wellbeing of all pupils at Dyffryn Taf is of the highest priority. All members of staff at the school are responsible for the safety and protection of the pupils who attend. Every adult employed by Dyffryn Taf receives safeguarding training on the signs of abuse and neglect, and how to respond to a pupil who may make a disclosure. Staff at Dyffryn Taf understand who to refer concerns of this nature to. If there are concerns, then under the All Wales Child Protection Procedures staff are duty-bound to report the concern to the Designated Safeguarding Person. The Designated Safeguarding Person may consult with professional colleagues as well as other relevant agencies such as Health and Social Services. As a school we pride ourselves on taking appropriate action quickly whenever concerns arise. Any instances of inappropriate behaviour that we are made aware of will be addressed and appropriate actions taken.

We would like children to see any adult in the school as someone they can trust and bring concerns to. The staff member with formal responsibility for child protection is Mrs Emma Curry Pound. Should you or your child have any concerns relating to child protection or safeguarding, please contact Mrs Curry Pound at the school.