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Gallwn, Gofalwn

Welsh Second Language A level

The AS and A Level in Welsh Second Language encourages learners to:Welsh medium education plans 'ambition' review - BBC News

  • study Welsh with interest, enjoyment and enthusiasm
  • communicate correctly and fluently both orally and in writing within a wide range of situations and contexts
  • write creatively and factually for a range of purposes.


How will I be assessed? (Assessment)

AS Unit 1 Oral Examination: Section A approx. 20 mins. per group. Section B approx. 5 mins. per candidate. Film and Oracy 15% of qualification 60 marks. Section A: Discussing a film Section B: Personal response

AS Unit 2 Non-examination Assessment: 10% of qualification 60 marks Candidates to write 3 extended pieces, on a topic of your choice, within 6 broad themes. Total of between 1,500 and 2,000 words

AS Unit 3 Written Paper: 2 hours The Use of Language, and Poetry 15% of qualification 120 marks. Section A: A composite question which includes different types of linguistic exercises. Section B: 3 questions based on the prescribed texts.

A2 Unit 4 Oral Examination: Section A and B approx. 30 mins. per group. Section C approx. 5 mins. per candidate. Drama and Oracy 25% of qualification 75 marks. Section A: Living through the medium of Welsh. Section B: Discussing a play Section C: Personal response Synoptic Assessment

A2 Unit 5 Written Paper: 2 hours. The Welsh language in Society and Translanguaging, 15% of the qualification, 80 marks. Section A: The Welsh language in society Questions based on the prescribed text. Section B: Translanguaging – a written response in Welsh to an English-language article, Synoptic Assessment

A2 Unit 6 Written Paper: 2 hours. The Use of Language and the Short Story, 20% of the qualification, 100 marks. Section A: A composite question which includes different types of linguistic exercises. Section B: 2 questions based on one of the prescribed texts and 1 synoptic question which bring together the information, understanding and skills developed in the subject. Synoptic Assessment

What kind of work will I do outside the classroom?

Reading, research, revision and watching suitable Welsh programmes on S4C. You will be expected to help with the Welsh Club and participate in the School Eisteddfod.

What could I do at the end of my course? (Progressions)

This specification provides a suitable foundation for the study of Welsh Second Language or a related field, by means of a range of HE courses (e.g. university degree) or direct entry into employment.

Entry Requirements: GCSE Welsh C