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Gallwn, Gofalwn


The school canteen is run by Carmarthenshire County Council. All pupils dine in our canteen at lunchtime where they can purchase a hot or cold meal. The approximate cost, including a sweet, will be £3.00. Pupils can also bring sandwiches from home. The canteen is also open at first break when toast and other items can be bought.

Cashless School

Our break and lunchtime provision for food and drinks runs on a “cashless basis” with pupils using a biometric scan of their finger to identify who they are and to pay for what they purchase. Payment accounts can be topped up using the online ParentPay system. Pupils who are eligible for free school meals will automatically have their accounts credited. This may be the first time that your child has had responsibility for their own finances, so you may want to chat to them about what it is appropriate to be spending each day. To access ParentPay please click here.

School Menu

For further information on menus etc please click on the link below:

Free School Meal Entitlement

To find out more about free school meals or to apply for free school meals for your child, please click here.