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Welcome to the Welsh Department

Key Stage 3

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Key Stage 4


Which teacher(s) should I see if I want more information about the course?

Mrs. Chucas or your current Welsh teacher

What course will I be following?

GCSE First or Second Language Welsh (WJEC)

Welsh First Language Specification

Welsh Second Language Specification

What kind of things will I study?

There are two programmes of study -Cymraeg Iaith and Welsh Second Language. Cymraeg Iaith

What will I study?

Cymraeg Iaith is studied by pupils (whose first language is Welsh, where the language of the home is Welsh, or pupils who have received their education through the medium of Welsh.) in the H form.

The purpose of the Welsh course is to develop oral, reading and writing skills. It aims at developing your oracy in group and class discussions. You will be introduced to varied reading materials of past and contemporary writers, and you are encouraged to write creatively, factually and critically.

A minority of first language pupils will also be following a literature course, and will study poetry, novels and stories. The viewing of Welsh language dramas, films etc are also an important part of this course.

How will my work be assessed?


  • Unit 1 – Controlled Assessment(Oral) 30%

Task 1 (15%) – Presentation Based on Individual Research (40 marks)

Task 2 (15%) – Response and Interaction (40 marks)

  • Unit 2 – External Assessment (Reading and Writing: Description, Narrative and Exposition) 35% (2 hours)

Section A (15%) – Reading (30 marks)

Section B (20%) – Writing (40 marks)

  • Unit 3 – External Assessment (Argumentation, Persuasion and Instructional) 35% (2 hours)

Section A (15%) – Reading (30 marks)

Section B (20%) – Writing (40 marks)

Cymraeg Ail Iaith - Welsh Second Language

What will I study?

Welsh Second Language is what the majority of pupils at Dyffryn Taf will study. It is for those pupils who have studied Welsh as a second language at Key Stage 3.

The purpose of the Welsh Second Language Course is to develop oral, reading and writing skills. It aims at developing your oracy individually and in group and class discussions.

You will be introduced to a wide variety of reading materials and are encouraged to write creatively, factually and critically.

The course will develop your confidence when communicating. It will also enable you to make practical use of the language in order to communicate effectively in the bilingual society of the 21st Century.

The context for learning the language is organised under three broad themes:

  • EMPLOYMENT - Cyflogaeth
  • WALES AND THE WORLD – Cymru a’r Byd
  • YOUTH - Ieuenctid

You will be learning how to build your confidence and knowledge in:

  • Listening: understand and respond to different types of spoken language
  • Speaking: communicate and interact effectively for different purposes, including conveying information, expressing and justifying opinion, and asking and answering questions
  • Reading: understand and respond to different types of written language
  • Writing: write effectively and accurately for different purposes using simple and familiar sentences

How will my work be assessed?

Unit 1 –Oracy response to visual material - Non-examination assessment - 25%

Unit 2 –Speaking and Listening task - Non-examination assessment - 25%

Unit 3 –Written Exam with reading and writing tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes - 25%

Unit 4 –Written Exam with reading and writing tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes - 25%

How can I progress my learning in this subject after Year 11?

To further develop bilingual skills, you can study A Level Welsh second language in the Sixth Form at Dyffryn Taf. 

The course aims to build confidence in communicating effectively on various topics in Welsh and develop bilingual skills. Most employers in Wales want bilingual young people who can communicate well both in writing and orally through the medium of Welsh. Welsh is needed for careers in the Welsh media, journalism, teaching and administrative posts. Being bilingual significantly enhances your job prospects if you intend living and working in Wales in the future.

Possible careers looking for Welsh skills and qualifications include education, media, local government, police, journalism, health authorities, business and the public sector.

Key Stage 5

The AS and A Level in Welsh Second Language encourages learners to:

  • Study Welsh with interest, enjoyment and enthusiasm
  • Communicate correctly and fluently both orally and in writing within a wide range of situations and contexts
  • Write creatively and factually for a range of purposes
  • Analyse familiar and unfamiliar texts independently
  • Listen and respond to the opinions of others when expressing a point of view express an independent opinion, based on knowledge and understanding of literary and factual texts
  • Respond in Welsh with clarity, in a relevant, confident and structured manner
  • Play an appropriate role in a bilingual society at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
Please click on the link button below for more information.

In addition, the course encourages candidates to make a connection between various aspects of the subject and provide a suitable foundation which will enable candidates to pursue further studies of the language in future.